- As part of the application process, the potential user must complete the Woolsey Hall License Agreement. This Agreement must be approved by the Yale Schwarzman Center, the University Insurance Office, the Yale University Police, and the University Fire Marshall.
- Publicity materials may not imply University sponsorship when no such sponsorship exists. Publicity and promotional materials should indicate that Woolsey Hall is wheelchair accessible. Display boards are available on limited basis and with certain restrictions through permanent users of the Hall.
- A stage manager, as designated by the Yale Schwarzman Center, may be required to be present during some or all activities. The user will be charged for the stage manager service. The stage manager, or a designated University employee such as an electrician, must remain in attendance at the backstage control panel. This person is responsible calling 911 in the event of an emergency.
- Safety regulations prohibit access to the attic or ceiling spaces. As a result, the use of a hanging light truss or similar device is not permitted.
- No nailing, tacking, or taping to walls, floors, seats, or pillars. Only light-weight banners may be hung, and exclusively from the hooks already in place around the front of the first balcony.
- If deemed necessary by the Yale Schwarzman Center, the organ console will be boxed with a heavy protective enclosure made for the purpose of protecting this irreplaceable instrument. The cost of boxing and unboxing the organ console is borne by the user. Nothing is allowed on top of the box or the organ console (including performers and equipment) because the box cannot sustain weight safely.
- To prevent any object from falling on the back wall, nothing may be erected upon the stage with a total height that is greater than the distance between the object and the back wall of the stage.
- No nails, screws, or other objects may be driven into the stage floor. Delicate organ cables pass beneath this area.
- Arrangements must be made by the user with Yale Facilities Customer Service (203) 432-6888 to remove any combustible rubbish. Recyclable white paper and cans are to be placed in the appropriate receptacles located backstage. All other trash should be discarded in garbage cans, located throughout the Hall. The stage must be cleared immediately after the event, and all materials brought in for the event must be removed from the Hall at that time. Charges for removing and/or discarding material left in the Hall will be charged to the user.
- Aisles, exits, and the backstage passage must be kept free from obstructions such as speakers, wires, chairs, and musical cases instruments in case of fire.
- The building may not be filled beyond its capacity of 2,650 seats. Standees and freestanding chairs are not permitted.
- Smoking is not allowed in Woolsey Hall. This includes backstage, on stage, and in the dressing rooms. Open-flame devices are not permitted.
- The use of smoke pots, fog, haze machines or similar devices is prohibited. Such mechanisms are not only a fire hazard, but also deposit a sticky soot that damages the organ mechanism and cannot be removed from the interior of the Hall.
- Helium balloons are not permitted in the auditorium or Rotunda. We are unable to remove the balloons from the ceiling and more importantly, they are easily sucked into the organ and can cause major damage.
- Damages to the Hall are the sole responsibility of the user.
- It is mandatory that a University Fire Marshall inspects all stage set-ups and obstructions.
- ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES of any kind are allowed in Woolsey Hall at any time and users of the space are responsible for clean up after their event.
- Per the Yale University Fire Marshall, ushers are required for each production. Users must coordinate with the stage manager to confirm number of ushers required for their event.
* Insurance companies should contact the Yale Risk Management Office at (203) 432-0140 for details.